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Green World Blueberry Anti-aging Capsule


Characteristics and Benefits:

  1. Regulate functions of human body, strengthens physique and improve disease-resisting ability, delays aging and promotes longevity, maintains young look and appearance.
  2. Purifies blood, regulates blood sugar level, reduces cholesterol level, prevents atherosclerosis and senile dementia.
  3. Considerably enhances the DNA self-repairing ability of human body.
  4. Improves metabolism of human body remarkably, facilitate detoxification.


Suitable for

People aged 25 years above, especially;

Senior people
Elders in poor health condition
People at convalescence period
People with low immunity and weaker physique


Key knowledge

It has been proved by modern medical studies that the water-soluble anthocyanin contained in blueberry gas strong anti-oxidative activity. It can effectively remove free radicals  and toxins in blood and intestinal tract, retard aging and prevents cell disintegration.

Fructus Lycii Extract

The antging effect of fruits Lycii Extract are to activate and  regenerate brain cells and endocrine glands and clear toxins accumulated in the blood so as to maintain the normal functions of all the tissues and organs in the body.

Radix Puerariae Lobatae Extract.

The flavonoids contained in Radix Puerariae Lobatae Extract can remove metabolic wastes, improve physique and disease-resisting ability, delay aging and prolong life span and maintain youthful look and appearance.

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