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Green World Energy Tea (Green World Energy Tea)


Characteristics and Benefits:

  1. Antioxidation, antifatigue, anti-inflammatory effects.
  2. Enhances immunity.
  3. Cleans intestinal tracts and detox.
  4. Prevents cancer.
  5. Normalize blood glucose and lipid levels of the body.


Suitable for:

  1. People who intends to maintain stamina.
  2. People who intends to improve immunity.
  3. People who intends to prevent cancer.

Key knowledge

  • Rhizoma Imperatae

The active ingredients of Rhizoma imperatae are stubborn and cylindrin, which strengthens physique and posses anti-inflammatory, diabetes and hemostatic effects. Clinically, it is
recommenced for acute hepatitis and nephritis,
  • Folium Notoginseng

Folium Notoginseng can dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, enhance blood flow, this prevent and alleviate heart and brain ischemia and hypoxia. It promotes the synthesis of protein, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is used as a tonic for improvement of general well-being.
  • Folium Mori

Folium More mainly contains triterpenoid and sterile compounds, which has spasmolysis, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It also reduces blood glucose and blood lipid level and regulates blood pressure.
  • Green Tea

Green Tea contain plenty of tea polyphenols, which promotes blood circulation and prevents body against radiation damage.

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