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Tourmaline Flask - Green World



  • Changes the pH of drinking water into alkalescent, thus neutralize the acidic metabolite adjust the body acid base balance and improves the acidic constitution of the human body.
  • Turn the water molecular cluster into smaller ones which has stronger permeability and dissolubility improves the intracellular and extracellular water exchange velocity this accelerates metabolism.
  • Generates anion which neutralizes radicals and enhances antioxidants properties of the cells.
  • Supplements human body with over 20 minerals dissolve in drinking water.

Recommended For:

  • People with elevated blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid level.
  • People with gastrointestinal and liver disorders.
  • People who eat junk food frequently or overloaded with toxins due to smoking and alcoholism.
  • People with insomnia or poor quality of sleep.
  • People with acidic constitutions.

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