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Aloe Vera Plus Capsule


Characteristics and Benefits:

  • Improve bowel movement, accelerates toxin excretion
  • Alleviates inflammatory signs and symptoms.
  • Ease pain and expel internal heats of human body.

Suitable For:

  • People with gastrointestinal disorder such as chronic diarrhea
  • People with constipation
  • People with chronic inflammation and akin disorders
  • People who need to boost immunity
  • People who have benign or malignant tumor
  • People with complete chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy
  • People who are sick or during rehabilitation
  • People with chronic bronchitis, asthma, allergy or other respiratory disorders.

Key Knowledge

  • Bowel Movement Supporter

Aloe is a pro-noun of bitter peptic, aloe contain aloin, aloe pyridine which can stimulate the appetite and minimize the diarrhea of the large intestine. Aloe component can increase the small intestine fluid secretion, enhances the activity of lipase and stimulate maladjusted autonomic nerves of large intestine. After intestine aloe, people with chronic constipation all over the world.

  • Anti-inflammation and Sterilization

Aloe tincture has strong bacteria repellency  and can sterilize directly which makes it Superior to antibiotics.

Aloe tincture will disable the insecticide tolerance of the cells. Moreover, it can kill the harmful bacteria resulting from antibiotics usage and recommend for controlling antibiotics resistance bacteria.

  • Detoxification

The amylase in aloe can detoxify the liver, accelerates the blood circulation within the liver, helps resume the liver function and assist rehabilitation of hepatitis. Aloe can eliminate or diminish complications due to inflammatory medicine, anti-histamine and improve the leukocytes decline radically. It is effective on most symptoms of hepersusceptibility.

  • Ease Pain and Cool Off

Aloe receive pain quickly and accurately without any harm. Amylose can induce nerves to rest and eliminate hepersusceptibility and internal heats. It can cure neurophatic gastritis and heart disease.

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