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Livergen Capsule - Green World International


Characteristics and Benefits;

  1. A detoxifier accelerates the excretion of toxins
  2. Improves hepatic microcirculation and enhances liver function
  3. Promotes liver cell regeneration
  4. Slow down liver cirrhosis causedd by fatty liver, hepatitis and alcoholism 
  5. Alleviates liver damage caused by chemicals, heavy metals, medicines, food and poisons or other pollutants

Suitable for:

  1. People who intend to detoxify their system.
  2. People with cholecystitis, gallstone, jaundice, or other fall disorders.
  3. People with liver disease such as fatty liver, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis or other liver diseases.
  4. People who work in contaminated environment
  5. People who drink excessively (drunkard).

Key Knowledge


Liver is the largest glandula organ that sits on the right side of the abdomen. The liver has well over 500 functions and is known as the laboratory of the human body. The liver is tied to all bodily processes because it is responsible for filtration of all incoming foods and fluids. The body relies heavy upon the liver to remove toxin and it is connected to every disease or dysfunction that is happening inside the body.

It metabolizes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thus providing energy and nutrients

Stores vitamin, minerals and sugars.

Filters the blood and help remove harmful chemicals and bacteria.

Creates bile which break down fats.

Stores extra blood that can be quickly released when needed.

Creates serum protein that maintain fluid balance and acts as carriers.

Helps maintain electrolyte and water balance.

Creates immune substances such as gamma globulin

Break down and eliminate excess hormones.

Synthesis urea, construct blood protein, interconvert amino acids.

Constructs 50,000 systems of enzymes to govern the metabolic activities throughout the body.

Remove damaged red blood cells.

This short note shows the part among the long list of liver function. It is sti uncertain exactly how many functions the liver is responsible for.

Liver Diseases

Many factors are culprit of liver disease. These include the function of hepatitis B, unhealthy diet, air pollution, cigarettes smoking, prolonged fatigue, severe flu and so on.

How does Green World Liver Capsule help?

Green World livergen Capsule improve the hepatic blood flow and the microcirculation in the liver; Promotes the regeneration of the impaired liver cells. It gradually renew normal function of liver that has been attacked and improves the detox function of liver.

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